SIEMENS SA is the Greek branch of the international Siemens Group. SIEMENS SA offers technically sound and qualitative products and services. Moreover, advanced hardware products are produced in its industrial units, destined for the local and/or global market. SIEMENS SA collaborates with government and industrial partners to form joint ventures, which have become important research centers that contribute to the technological development of Greece
Role in POLYSEMA project:
SIEMENS SA will take up the responsibility of the overall project management and the coordination of the researchers involved in the project. Apart from these administrative tasks, SIEMENS SA will focus at the design of the POLYSEMA platform, emphasizing in the integration of the various components. Upon completion of the prototype system, SIEMENS SA will validate the consistency of the platform and its testing procedures, in order to evaluate the quality of research results produced in the context of the POLYSEMA project.
SIEMENS Greece: http://www.siemens.gr
Konstantinos Tzintzos: Konstantinos.Tzintzos[AT]siemens.com